louisa williams, ND

After working in the field of applied kinesiology and as a chiropractor, Dr. Williams attended Bastyr University and graduated in 1990 as a naturopathic physician. After 12 years working in the Pacific Northwest she moved to California, where she was director of the Marin Naturopathic Medicine clinic for eighteen years. She currently resides in Texas.
Radical Medicine is the first book that Dr. Williams has written, but not the first publication. In her career she has authored over twenty teaching manuals, four ebooks, and several research articles published in both English and German. She serves on the board of the Texas Association of Naturopathic Doctors and is an honorary board member of the Weston A. Price Foundation. She is additionally a member of the International Academy of Biological Dentistry and Medicine, the International Academy of Applied Kinesiology, and the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians. Dr. Williams is board certified as a naturopathic physician and licensed in Vermont.
Dr. Williams initially studied psychology at the University of Texas in her hometown of Austin, as well as at Stephens College where she was on the honorary Dean’s List. After graduating with a Bachelor’s from UT, and later with a Master’s degree from Purdue University, she worked for West Oaks psychiatric hospital in Houston as well as in her private psychotherapy practice counseling clients.
It was at Purdue that Dr. Williams first became interested in the field of holistic medicine while receiving treatment from a chiropractic physician specializing in Applied Kinesiology (AK). (Interestingly, this AK doctor was Madeline Goulard, a former math and aeronautical engineering professor, who had given up her first profession when she fell in love with the art and science of chiropractic.) After working with other kinesiologists and taking a Touch for Health (lay kinesiology) course, she enrolled at Texas Chiropractic College where she graduated cum laude in 1984. She then moved to the Northwest where she established the Seattle Health Clinic, specializing in environmental medicine and detoxification. A few years later, after consistently recognizing the value of constitutional homeopathy, Dr. Williams attended Bastyr University and graduated in 1990 as a naturopathic physician. After 12 years working in the Pacific Northwest she moved to California, where she was director of the Marin Naturopathic Medicine clinic for eighteen years. She currently resides in Texas.
Throughout her years in practice, Dr. Williams has extensively researched and practiced numerous diagnostic and therapeutic testing methods, including Sacro-Occipital Technique, Directional Non-Force Technique, Toftness, Auriculomedicine, Applied Kinesiology, and Clinical Kinesiology. In 1993, she and Dietrich Klinghardt, MD, PhD, co-developed a new muscle testing technique known as Neural Kinesiology (NK). Klinghardt and Williams taught that kinesiology directly measures the state of health of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) through various diagnostic assessments including the blocked regulation test (Beardall/Klinghardt/Williams), the ischemic therapy localization test (Klinghardt/Williams/Goodheart), and the initial patient presentation of sympathicotonia or parasympathicotonia (Klinghardt/Williams). NK testing centers on diagnosing and treating the seven most common factors that block healthy regulation (normal functioning or homeostasis), including dominant foci (dental and tonsil focal infections and scar interference fields), toxic metals and chemicals (mercury amalgam fillings, nickel and gold crowns, petroleum-laden shampoos and soaps), major food allergies (primarily wheat and dairy), and viscerosomatic psychological issues (chronic emotionally-based organ-structural contraction patterns). Doctors’ Klinghardt and Williams further specialized in teaching neural therapy—the treatment of chronic focal infections and scars, along with their disturbed fields and neighboring autonomic nerve ganglia, with and without needles.
Dr. Williams taught the NK method for many years in the United States, as well as abroad in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. However, in 1998, after several years of clinical research, she introduced a new diagnostic testing method termed Matrix Reflex Testing, or MRT. The MRT system measures the state of the connective tissue, or matrix tissue, in the body, which is a highly sensitive system of assessing dysfunction in the body in order to determine the most effective therapeutic interventions.