Recently a couple of customers from my website emailed me that the CHAMP Pro Plus caused disturbing symptoms. On further investigation I discovered that one had been suffering from chronic IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) for decades, and the other had just finished a 2-month protocol of antibiotics and anti-parasite drugs from a “holistic” doctor. Both started with a daily dose of a full scoop of CHAMP.
Whether you have been diagnosed with IBS, or ulcerative colitis, SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth), or you have simply experienced significant gut symptoms over the years, it is important to remember to go slow when starting a new probiotic. This is equally true after taking strong medications to kill bacteria, yeast or parasites. And in this latter case, it is also essential to keep in mind that trying to kill bugs chronically is rarely wise. As I have explained in my CASPERS Syndrome ebook, acute infections are like a raging fire in which a short-term dose of strong antimicrobials is appropriate. In contrast, chronic infections are more like a smoldering fire that can be activated and inflamed by strong antimicrobials which often cause more harm in a (diagnosed or undiagnosed) autoimmune-like gut. (If you had vaccines and antibiotics as a child then many of your chronic symptoms can broadly speaking be classified as autoimmune, and therefore more difficult to clear.) It’s further important to note that both allopathic as well as holistic doctors often make the mistake of continually trying to “kill the bug” in their patients. That is, in chronic conditions, both antibiotics as well as natural supplements such as colloidal silver, oregano oil, or hydrogen peroxide, are often contraindicated and in the long run do more harm than good.

Figure 1: Acute disease is like a raging fire in which antimicrobials are usually very appropriate.

Figure 2: Chronic disease is like a smoldering fire in which antimicrobials should rarely be used.
In regard to dosing probiotics you need to think of your gut as a field where crops are grown. Organic biodynamic farmers would never plant seeds in a toxic, weed-infested field. They would first remove the weeds, and prepare the soil to receive the seeds so that the earth could fully grow and develop nutrient-dense crops.
The same is true of the 15-20 feet of your small and large intestine that has an approximate surface area of the size of a tennis court. That’s a lot of area to detoxify, repair, and regenerate!
So before beginning a probiotic consider reducing any toxic habits that you suspect could be contributing to your ongoing gut symptoms. This can include eating too much of your primary food allergy, ingesting excessive sugar, or drinking one too many cups of coffee daily. After these appropriate detoxifying steps you can then begin to finally make progress slowly fertilizing your intestinal soil, so over time it can grow its own beneficial bacteria and return your gut to healthy functioning.
In the case of CHAMP Pro Plus, everyone new to this supplement with significant intestinal symptoms should begin with only ¼ to ½ a scoop a day mixed with a little water. I know that seems very small, but a little bit of an effective probiotic is a lot for a starved gut. Then slowly build up over a couple of weeks to 1 scoop a day if no disturbing symptoms arise. Most people take it first thing in the morning when they wake up.
The reason I formulated CHAMP several years ago is that all the probiotics on the market contained prebiotics that didn’t test well for me or my patients—clinically or energetically. Probiotic formulas require prebiotics that feed and stimulate the growth of probiotics such as Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidus longum in the gut. CHAMP Pro Plus is unique in that it contains the prebiotic baobab, which has been eaten by traditional cultures all over the world for centuries. Further, it is the only fruit that dries out while still on the tree and is easily harvested when it naturally falls to the ground. Therefore, no excessive extraction methods, pressing, or heating is required as in the case of other prebiotics such as fructo-oligosacharides (FOS) and oligofructose (OF) from chicory roots, galacto-oligosaccharides (GOS) from milk sugar, and resistant starch from potatoes, tiger nuts and Jerusalem artichokes (inulin).
In stark contrast to these other highly-processed sugar-based and potentially allergenic prebiotics, the powder of the dried baobab fruit is simply passed through a sieve after harvesting which renders a finely-textured powder. When combined with a gentle dose of aloe (“CHAMP”) and probiotics (“Pro”), the vitamin- and mineral-rich baobab fruit (“Plus”) completes this formula and has been an essential step in the restoration of a healthy gut microbiome in my patients for years.
Learn more about and order this unique product: CHAMP Pro Plus
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