This “Neural Therapy Without Needles” massage protocol performed in the privacy of your own home can mitigate from 70 to 100% of the (often silent and insidious) nerve and tissue irritation generated from a scar. However, if there is any remaining disturbance not cleared through this massage protocol, these lingering areas can be treated through deeper neurofascial therapy with the Canadian Laser.
Additionally, be sure to treat any “psychogalvanic” areas—that is, scars with any associated emotional history such as an episiotomy scar (hours and hours of painful labor) or even the umbilicus (subconscious trauma from your own birth history)—with more awareness and intention as you massage in the remedies and oil. As the weeks go by you should notice that any areas of chronic soreness or emotional associations with these scars will greatly reduce, or even completely disappear altogether.
Results of this protocol can vary from no discernible change in symptoms, to various health benefits including less fatigue and pain in the body, reduced urinary frequency and urging, enhanced sexual functioning, diminished pain, better digestion, and more restful sleep. And even if the results from this scar interference field home massage technique are subtle and not clearly apparent, it is worth doing simply for enjoying the reduced irritability and overall sense of well-being that the majority of patients most typically report. Further, this protocol removes significant scar "obstacles to cure," which can block healing and the detoxification process, and thus greatly hinder one's future treatment progress.
Since all the scars on our body are resonating together in our sheet of skin, it is important to remember to include all scars in your treatment. Sometimes a forgotten scar will start itching, inflame a bit, or just come to some of my patients’ consciousness after a week or 2 if it is excluded from this protocol! Therefore, try to remember all your scars including your first scar—the belly button or umbilicus, surgical scars (appendectomies, hysterectomies, hernia repair, stitches for cuts and tears, orthopedic surgeries – even the small arthroscopic incision scars, etc.), and non-surgical scars (cuts or tears without stitches, some acne or stretch-mark scars, some major bruises or head trauma areas, vaccination scars if they are still visible, etc.).
Caution 1: Although this scar protocol is relatively mild and rarely causes any healing reactions, chronically ill patients should check with their holistic doctor or practitioner before attempting this home treatment.
Caution 2: Scar formation is an intrinsic and necessary response to healing cuts and injuries, and should not be interrupted. Therefore, this massage protocol is only recommended for old, chronic scars – not recent acute scars. (However, dropping the #10 Remedy and/or #11 Remedy drops near acute scars and rubbing into the skin post-surgery or post-injury can be very helpful in promoting more efficient healing.)
Sources for Products:
#10 Remedy and #11 Remedy are available on my site. So is the Pure Organic Coconut Oil (best I’ve ever tested).
Step 1: First massage in #10 Remedy (anti-inflammatory) drops into all your scars. Typically it is best to alternate the #10 drops with the #11 (soft-tissue healing and enhanced blood circulation) drops every other day (or 1 in the AM and 1 in the PM if you are doing this protocol 2 x a day).
Step 2: Then rub in Pure Organic Coconut Oil into all your scars.
Combined Steps Protocol: Or you can combine a few drops and the coconut oil together in a bowl, form a paste, and treat one time only. This saves time and doesn’t seem to reduce the effectiveness of the treatment.
Do this treatment for 3 to 4 weeks, 1 to 2 times a day. This therapy is best done after a shower or bath (warm soft skin absorbs drops more readily), and/or before bed. Then you or your doctor/practitioner can then re-challenge the scars to see if there are any remaining (irritating, inflammatory or psychological) issues. If so, retreat or treat with the Canadian Laser.
Note: For tonsillectomy scars, first drop 2 drops of #10 Remedy in the back of your throat where the tonsillectomy scars lie (try to keep the tip sterile – i.e., don’t touch it to the gums or teeth), then rub the coconut oil into either side of your upper external throat area, just below the jawline, where the tonsils and lymph nodes usually swell. For dental extraction scars just drop the drops on those sites. If you can see the vaccine sites (e.g., smallpox scar), also treat those.
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