louisa williams, ND

In her holistic naturopathic practice, Dr. Louisa Williams strives to practice what she preaches in her book, Radical Medicine: Cutting-Edge Natural Therapies that Treat the Root Causes of Disease. In this book she teaches that although organic food, exercise, and clean filtered water are all essential, that alone, they can no longer guarantee optimal health. That is, these general holistic health guidelines are simply not curative enough to reverse chronic disturbing symptoms anymore, nor can they guarantee freedom from future degenerative disease. With a history of toxic mercury amalgam fillings, the long-term use of petrochemical-laden cosmetics and personal care products, damaging childhood vaccinations, and the excessive use of antibiotics and other prescription drugs, most individuals’ immune systems are simply too impaired to self-heal without significant intervention.
Dr. Williams addresses these toxic assaults on the body through a specific and individualized approach. This can include treatments complementary to and supportive of biological dentistry such as mercury amalgam and nickel crowns (PFM’s) detoxification, diagnosing dental focal infections and referring for cavitation surgery when appropriate, and treating significant malocclusions (bad bites) through craniosacral therapy and referral to an orthopedic holistic dentist.
Other interventions include counseling patients on the high fat, moderate protein, and carefully prepared carbohydrate “Wise Traditions” diet, identifying major food allergies and intestinal dysbiosis (toxic gut), and prescribing needed vitamin, mineral, and probiotic supplements. Dr. Williams further educates patients on the toxicity of conventional cosmetics and personal care products, and has maintained a "Best Bet’s List," now called "Optimal Personal Care Products," since 1995 to help individuals make the healthiest and most nontoxic choices. Other "obstacles to cure" that typically need to be addressed include diagnosing other focal infections besides dental such as tonsil, sinus, appendix, and other foci, and treating them along with their neighboring autonomic ganglia and disturbed fields through neural therapy without needles.
Dr. Williams has been utilizing homeopathy for over 30 years, and has avidly studied the new Sensation Method according to Doctors’ Divya Chhabra and Rajan Sankaran since 2003. Through the use of this revolutionary new method from India, a well-taken case can reveal patients’ life-long constitutional homeopathic remedy and over time can help clear the mineral-, plant-, or animal-like distortion patterns (~ genetic tendencies) that greatly contribute to their chronic dysfunction or disease.
Other specialities include the use of isopathic remedies to reduce inflammation but do not trigger autoimmune reactions; auriculotherapy, acupressure, and trigger point therapy (without needles); the use of gemmotherapy herbal remedies; and prescribing cell salts to reduce chronic mineral deficiencies. Additionally, with her master’s degree in psychology, she is able to identify and help clear many disturbing mental and emotional patterns when they arise, while also recognizing the need and significant value of referring patients out for appropriate psychotherapy.
In her practice, Dr. Williams utilizes the standard history and physical exam techniques learned in her naturopathic medical school training, as well as her own energetic testing method, Matrix Reflex Testing, which helps further refine the patient’s diagnosis resulting in more in-depth and effective treatments.

Decades of holistic practice can help you hone in on which treatments are really effective and worthwhile, and which are not. In the following list are the areas of specialty that are offered and typically employed in practice as a result of years of experience:
Constitutional homeopathy according to the new Sensation Method by Doctors’ Chhabra and Sankaran
Detoxification of heavy metals (mercury amalgam fillings, gold crowns, nickel PFM’s, vaccines, etc.) and toxic chemicals (cosmetics and personal care products, pesticides, antibiotics and other past medications, vaccines, etc.)
Neural therapy (without needles) of scar interference fields and dental, tonsil, sinus, and other chronic focal infections, their neighboring ganglia, and their disturbed fields
Dietary counseling (focused on the Weston A. Price Foundation's Wise Traditions diet), nutritional supplementation, and identification and treatment of significant food allergies
Supportive supplementation and treatment when dental cavitation surgery is required
Significant malocclusions (bad bites) identified and treated with craniosacral therapy and appropriate dental referral
Musculoskeletal and soft-tissue therapies
Analysis of the need for botanical medicine (herbal remedies), cell salts, isopathic remedies, and acute homeopathy
Psychological assessments and treatments with appropriate referral to psychotherapists and psychologists
Dr. Williams currently has a virtual practice in Kerrville, TX and consults with patients by phone, Zoom, or Skype. Schedule an appointment via email or by phone.
Please be sure to complete the new patient form before your first appointment.
The fee for phone, Zoom, or Skype virtual appointments is based on time:
10 minutes:
20 minutes:
30 minutes:
40 minutes:
50 minutes:
60 minutes:
... and so forth. The average appointment (including my time writing out the treatment suggestions information afterward) ranges from 30 minutes to 1 hour. Recommended supplements, remedies, and shipping costs are separate.
Constitutional homeopathy appointment, both in-person or phone consultations: 1 and 1/2 hours to 2 hours or more: $650, follow-up appointments $100. See an explanation of fees.
If we are not notified at least 24 hours in advance, the appointment fee for the time scheduled will be charged to you.