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#10 Remedy

In contrast to the "kill the bug" allopathic orientation that penicillin and other antibiotics are based on, the diluted #10 Penicillium notatum 4X remedy based on isopathy* can help reduce inflammation in a toxic terrain without generating resistant bacteria. In the German literature Penicillium notatum 4X has been found to stimulate Natural Killer (NK) cells, down-regulate Cox-2 enzymes associated with pain similar to aspirin and other NSAID's, and systemically help improve the recognition of antigens (pathogenic microbes).


#10 Remedy is most often prescribed after dental drilling or post-trauma with acute sprains and strains. This isotonic remedy is also beneficial in the treatment of chronic focal infections (tonsils, teeth, sinuses, scars), arthritis and rheumatic joint disease, and urogenital, cardiovascular or gastrointestinal dysfunction.


A great benefit of this highly diluted low potency remedy is that it does not antidote homeopathic remedies. Thus, patients who are on their constitutional remedy can take this supportive isopathic, as well as utilizing it after acute injuries or trauma in conjunction with emergency homeopathic remedies like Arnica.


The #10 drops can be taken orally or applied topically over areas of pain or dysfunction.


*Iso-“ meaning “the same,” refers to isopathic remedies such as Penicillium notatum, a non-pathogenic fungal remedy that is used supportively to reduce the inflammatory effects of pathogenic fungal (and bacterial) infections. This is slightly different than the prefix “homeo-“ meaning “similar,” in which homeopathic plant, animal or mineral remedies are prescribed for similar, but not the exact same, symptoms and disease patterns the patient is experiencing.

#10 Remedy

  • Quantity

    1 ounce Miron glass dropper bottle

  • Reviews

    Acute Sinus and Eye Infection

    I was limping along until I got the Penicillium drops from you. It decreased the pain behind both my eyes – I was thrilled with it! The pus was minimized, and the general inflammation was reduced from my clavicle up. I also used it in my nose and it was incredibly helpful.

    Acupuncturist, OR

    Dog’s Eye and Leg   

    My 12-year-old dog’s leg that has a partially torn ACL is so much better now--without a painful $6,000.00 surgery or daily pain and inflammation pills that his veterinarian said he would require in order to get some relief! And his eye growth is gone--we were so happy as our veterinarian said he would require a surgery with stitches, taking months to fully heal, that would have cost us over $1,000.00! Our 6-year-old little dog’s bladder and UTI issues are under control and much better too.  Cannot thank you enough for introducing us to these amazing products!!

    Lawyer, TX

    Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

    My husband loves #10 drops for his carpal tunnel – he says it is magic and takes the pain away quickly!

    Retired Principal, CA

    Wasp Sting

    I had a wasp sting and immediately ran to my kitchen and started applying the #10 drops every 5 minutes – it immediately helped! Within 30 minutes or so the pain and swelling were virtually gone. I only had to reapply it a couple of times later that day and once the next.

    Teacher, TX

louisa williams, ND


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Naturopath, Homeopathy, Holistic Healthcare 


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