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Russian Algae | BioAge F1

“Russian Algae” serves as our best multiple vitamin and mineral supplement, since most multiples are pharmaceutically-isolated extracts derived originally from drug companies, often loaded with toxic excipients. In contrast, Russian Algae is a non-toxic and natural source of all known vitamins, all known minerals and trace elements, thousands of enzymes, and antioxidants.

Russian Algae also contains fatty acids (EFAs) including Omega-3, Omega-6, GLA, and Omega 9, which are essential to health and critical for healthy brain functioning. It is also a source of all essential amino acids and 50% complete protein with 95% net assimilation.

Dr. Michael Kiriac, the Russian-born scientist who created this supplement was driven initially to find a cure for cancer. This was due to very personal experience since he grew up in an area of Russia that was particularly cancer-prone. This disease that affected thousands of families in the area also profoundly affected him as well at the age of 12 when his father suddenly died from pancreatic cancer. Years later Dr. Kiriac focused his studies on algae, which had shown good results in the reduction of cancers in some animals.

Dr. Kiriac’s extensive research included the study of more than one thousand different species of micro-algae, and over 65 strains of spirulina. He and his team eventually realized that the combination of carotenoid-rich Dunaliella and Astaxanthin-rich Haematococcus algae had the most superior antioxidant properties. Additionally he discovered through years of research that two strains of Spirulina—Pacifica and Platensis—had the broadest number of vitamins, minerals, and enzymes that acted as co-factors to combat cancer and other degenerative conditions.

During the Chernobyl disaster this supplement was truly put to the test. Dr. Kiriac and his family lived 300 miles from the epicenter, and he and his family were subjected to significant radiation. However, through taking the algae in therapeutic doses all survived. This supplement additionally helped improve low white blood cell counts in children with leukemia; regenerated bone marrow, spinal fluids, blood, and liver; and reduced radioactivity by 40% in less than 20 days.

Dr. Kiriac currently produces this BioSuperfood formulation in modern manufacturing facilities in Montreal, Canada. This supplement comes in three strengths—F1, F2, and F3. Through energetic testing (Matrix Reflex Testing, or MRT) and clinical experience, I have found that the gentlest formula, F1, tests superior to the other two stronger formulations.

Suggested Dosage: 4 to 6 capsules (or more) a day is recommended for adults, and 1 to 3 capsules a day for children. Russian Algae can be taken with or without food.

Russian Algae | BioAge F1

  • Quantity

    180 Vegetarian Capsules

  • Reviews

    "I’ve been using this formulation since the extraction of an infected root canal 5 months ago per Dr. Williams' recommendation. At that time I was Stage 3a Follicular Lymphoma. I’ve watched the shrinking of my lymph nodes over 5 months and during a recent oncology follow-up, the oncologist could not palpate any enlarged lymph nodes and my blood work was normal. Will consider a PET scan in 3 months to ascertain the complete healing. On the energy side of my life, I recently completed 4 days of rugged backpacking on Vermont’s Long Trail and 303 miles of cycling (ave. of 50 miles/day) within 3 weeks. My energy has been stellar! I feel like I’m in my 20’s again and I’m 59. I recover from the previous day’s activity easily, my breathing is far from labored, and my muscles don’t get sore, in spite of hard cycling. The oral infection is gone & I haven’t felt this good in decades!" – Peggy, August 9, 2016

    "My mother suffers from severe constipation. She is 90 years old and has been on many supplements to help with that. I know the Russian algae is not meant specifically for constipation but it’s certainly helping her. She is really happy and asks me for pills. I usually have to coax her to take something. Not with this, she is in love with this. I’d like her to have her own and getting some for my sister as well. Thank you." - Northern California Patient, July 18, 2016

    "Dr Louisa, as I’ve told you I’ve spent a fortune and tried just about every supp made. I’ve never noticed much if any difference in the supps I’ve taken. With that said I got your Ebook for $9.95 the 5 post cavitation surgery days and found the outline of what to take for full support and what Laser to rent invaluable. I ordered the products and I admit some are a bit pricey so I felt I had better be impressed. I’m happy to say I’m impressed! They were fully supportive before surgery and also crucial afterwards. The star player for me is the Bioage F1. On the 2nd day of taking the F1 I noticed big changes, one is a feeling of calm support and an overwhelming change of more energy and strength and endurance. It’s so nice to have energy back so I can get what I need done. My blood looks great btw—had tests yesterday. And true to it’s claims my PH is perfect already after only 5 days on the product (used PH strips to test). Much thanks! Jill" – December 10, 2014

    "I must say the Bioage F1 Russian Algae is the most impressive supplement I’ve ever taken and well worth the money. I noticed significant support and increase in energy, which is impressive and much needed." – A Tennessee Patient, December 9, 2014

louisa williams, ND


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